Your first thousand visitors are the most crucial. Everyone says when you start up a website, it's easy to get your first few visitors. And that's true, but it's not easy to get your first thousand visitors. It's actually harder to get your first thousand visitors than it is to get your first 10,000 visitors. I'm going to share how to get your first thousand visitors without spending money.
The first thing that you need to do is identify your target audience.
Where are the people you want to target? Where do they hang out? What kind of content do they read? What are their interests? What are their fears? What are their goals? Their motivations? What's their typical age? What social media channels do they engage with the most? Is there a particular gender that is most dominant in your niche? This will help you because the last thing you want to do is create marketing campaigns and content around the wrong audience.
The second thing you want to do is identify what your ideal audience wants.
Now that you know them, I want you to go to Amazon. Find books within your niche that people are writing about and look at the two and three-star reviews. The reason I look at the two and three-star reviews is people are usually complaining about what that book is missing. People only will leave a comment and share and rate it really bad If they truly feel that something's missing, that's important, that helps you figure out what people really want within your space.
You can also go to Quora and do the same thing. What are the questions within this space, whether it's dog training or marketing? It doesn't really matter. Take notes on all the questions and answers to them because that will also give you more insights. And look at the ones that are the most voted. The ones that are most voted tend to be the ones that do well.
You also want to go to Reddit, check out the subreddits. What is really popular within those sub Reddits in your space? Look at the top Reddit. Usually, people upvote the posts that they like the best because if people are voting on something and the Reddit community is really picky, that means people in your niche really do like it. Once you figure out what's popular Reddit, you want to take notes in that you don't take notes on everything. That'll give you ideas on the type of content that will work really well in your space.
The third step is to create the most epic, mind-blowing resource on one of these topics.
Create a bullet list. Every single idea that you got from your research as it relates, you want to create a list and figure out: This is what I'm trying to cover in this topic. This is what everyone wants to know. Then go to a tool like Ahefs content analyzer and look at the content ideas report. When you're a new business, you're putting those keywords within your space. It shows you what's really popular, what's not. The reason this is important is what's popular is based on social shares, backlinks and search traffic.
The last thing you want to do is pick something that isn't popular in all of those categories, you can't just rely on SEO traffic. You've got to now look at referral traffic and social. That's why you got to look at all of that. You want a bullet all the ideas and go through and ask yourself what are these pieces missing that they haven't covered? How can I make something better? Go read the comments on these blog posts. What are people complaining about? What are people recommending? This is your opportunity to create something that's better, more thoroughly put because you have all this data at your fingertips for free.
The fourth step: I want you to write 25 headlines.
You have to! The reason being is eight out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 will click through and read the rest. No, of course, you're not going to use twenty-five headlines. The reason you have twenty-five is you want to eliminate 20 that you think are shitty or mediocre. You want to use the best five and then crowdsource your headline. Next, you go to your favorite Facebook group in your niche. You do a poll. You ask everyone, hey, which headline do you think is the most appealing? Get their opinions. Pick the one that has the highest votes. Now, of course, if you have a better way of modifying it, feel free to do that. But usually, you got your winner, if that's what everyone tells you that that's a winner. If they all suck, people will tell you in the face will probably give you suggestions on how you can make it better.
Now, of course, you create your content. You got your headline, you published it, you want to create a gated content upgrade that will get you hundreds of social shares. That's the next step. When you create the gated content to get you the social shares, you do this by offering a PDF, an e-book, a crash course, complimentary resources. And if you're on WordPress, you can use one press social locker. That way, if people want that free e-book or guide, they have to share your content to get it. In other words, you're going to get a ton of shares because people want access to that. That'll get you more traffic.
The fifth step: Use your epic content as a promotion opportunity.
When you write this content, you may be getting ideas from other places like other people's blogs you should always link out to let them know that you linked out to them and ask them to share your content. Ask them to link back to you when you do this. You'll get more traffic if they respond saying: "Sure sounds good." That is amazing! If they say no, or ignore you follow up with another email with a different headline, different ask and then go from there. Typically, if you ask for a share, it's easier to get a higher take rate than if you ask for a link back. Link back helps you with referral traffic and search rankings in the long run. Social shares typically give you that quicker, instantaneous boost and most people are willing to do that at least.
The sixth step that guarantees long term traffic have push notifications enabled on your site.
That way, when people opt into the push notification and you create a new blog post, you can send a blast out to all of them and get those people back. You can do the same thing with Mobile Monkey for Facebook Messenger. You can do the same thing for popups and top notification bars for email capturing where you're doing all of this. Make sure you also pixels those people using Google AdWords and Facebook. That way you can remarket those people and can community market and get them back to buy your products and services. If you follow those tips, you'll get your first thousand visitors for free without spending a single dollar. As always thank you for reading our blog and if you need help with your marketing feel free to contact us! If you like this blog, share it and tell other people about it. Leave a comment. I'll make sure and I respond and help you out. Best of luck!